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Doctor of Philosophy in Labour Studies (Ph.D.)

Master of European Labour Studies (M.A.)



Dr. Kenan Ertunc M.A. studied Law, European Labour Studies and European Studies at the Universities of Bremen, Milan and Saarbrücken. After passing his Second State Examination in Law he earned a Ph.D. in Labor Law from the University of Milan. 

Dr. Ertunc spent time as a visting researcher at the Warwick Business School, Warwick Law School and the Facutly of Law of the University of Cambridge. 

Dr. Ertunc completed traineeships at the International Labour Organisation(ILO) in Geneva and  the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) in Brussels. 

Currently Dr. Ertunc is taking part in an advanced training course for labour law at Hagen Law School.




German, Turkish, English, Italian



1. Fundamental Social Rights in the European Mulitlevel Governance System

 transfer, 2013, 281


 2. The Legal Implications of the Social Market Economy on the European Economic Constitution, Dissertation 2014 
